Back in the Hospital

Little did we know when we left the hospital with n that we would be back 8 days later. The reason? k’s pediatrician suspected she had Kawasaki’s disease. He was right, and she had to stay at Long Beach Memorial from Thursday-Sunday! This was especially difficult since I could not stay overnight with her since I had to take care of n. My mom ended up staying Thurs. night and Sat. night and D stayed on Fri. night. We also took turns during the day. I am happy to report that k responded well to her treatment. However, she will continue to be monitored by a cardiologist. Thank you for all of your prayers for our family!

my sick baby
Poor thing. This was actually taken on the last day of her stay, when she was feeling better. Before her IVIG treatment, she was miserable!

This is where my mom and D had to sleep. (It folds out to a bed). n didn’t cause too many problems at the hospital. He had his milk (from me), slept, and we just had to change his diapers.

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k’s Preparation

sleeping babies

I don’t think there is a sure way to prepare a two year old for the birth of a sibling. We’ve certainly been talking up baby NiNi (as k refers to him) more these past couple of weeks so it is not a complete shock when we come home with a newborn. k has become obssessed with playing with her “baby Abby” that we bought her for Christmas. She is also very interested in the crib, playpen, and bouncer seat that we have for baby N. Trying to explain that she is too big for these things is difficult since they appear to be so fun to her. k also likes to pretend that she is a baby. She does not seem to be convinced that it is more fun to be a “big girl”.

One positive development is that k is pretty much potty-trained during her waking hours now. I was hoping this would happen before the baby came so we weren’t constantly changing diapers. However, between k’s trips to the bathroom, and mine, these last few weeks of pregnancy, we’re spending a LOT of time there.

I am also happy to report that I have made significant progress in cleaning out our bedroom. It is amazing how a decluttered space can have such a positive effect on your psyche.

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Happy 2nd Birthday, k!

k turned two today and we had a birthday party for her at my parents’ house. A LOT of preparation went on for the past couple of days. k didn’t take a nap at all today since her party was in the afternoon. We left my parents’ house at around 5 p.m., and by the time we arrived home, k was fast asleep!

tired 2 year old

She did wake up when D tried to put her in bed, though. Now, after taking a bath, playing with a few of her new toys, eating dinner, and brushing her teeth, she is fast asleep. D and I are pretty exhausted, too. Although, not as exhausted as the day she was born. 🙂 Ironic that December 21st is the shortest day of the year.

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Our Little Red Riding Hood

On Halloween we attended the WPC Harvest Festival. This time k was able to actually play some of the games. She dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood, with a cape knitted by my mom. It turned out really cute, complete with a wooden toggle. In the beginning, k was timid about picking out candy for her basket. However, by the end of the night, she was trying to scoop it up by the handful!

harvest festival


porch 2
k was also able to wear it to the library story time earlier in the week. Now we have start to thinking of a costume for next year…or maybe she’ll want to have a say in it by then.

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Movin’ On Up

Over the weekend, we went to Ikea to buy a toddler bed for k. Sure, we were lured by the free breakfast (it was packed by 10 a.m.!), but it was time to buy one anyway since k has already tried to make an escape from her crib. Normally I would have preferred for k to make the transition directly to a twin, but since she has to share a room pretty soon, the more compact toddler bed makes sense. Plus, it is low to the ground, so we don’t have to worry about falls as much.

On Saturday and Sunday, k pointed to the crib and said, “baby”, meaning that the baby would sleep there, and she would sleep in her bed. However, she started crying when we left her in her bed, so we just had her sleep in her crib.

Today, k insisted that she wanted to sleep in her bed during her nap, and sure enough, she fell asleep!
ikea toddler bed

She is also sleeping in her bed tonight, so we’ll see how that goes. Little k is growing up!

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k’s Kitchenette

Here is the play kitchen we bought for k. I did some research and decided on this one because a.) It’s small, which is necessary in our small place; b.) It’s made out of wood; c.) It’s really cute! D put it together on Thursday night. He wanted to wake k up to show it to her, but I put my foot down. k was all smiles when she saw it the next morning, though. She loves to “wash her hands”, and bake things in her “hot” oven.
baking cookies
I am slowly starting to make k some felt food. Chocolate chip cookie…yum!

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1.5 Years Old!

Hard to believe, but k turned 1.5 on Saturday. She will be getting a half birthday present in the mail next week. I decided not to buy her a birthday present for her 2year birthday, since she will be getting plenty of Christmas presents four days later.

I also have to tell everyone about our Freshia experience today after church. We went to eat at Kyochon chicken (KFC, “korean fried chicken”–haha), located in the food court of Freshia, on Beach, in Stanton. We tried combo A for $14.99 (drink, 8 wings and chicken bulgogi rice, plus a coleslaw type side with both dishes). The wings, which they are known for, were definitely tasty, but a bit small, especially for the price. The chicken bulgogi rice sort of made up for it, since it was more filling. It was pretty spicy, so the plain rice and soda it came with was definitely appreciated.

However, it was Freshia itself that stole the show. Get this–white nectarines (although, on the receipt, it said white peaches) @ 5 lb./99 cents; red leaf lettuce @ 20 heads for 99 cents; and cantaloupe @ 20 lb./99 cents. Crazy, right? We were skeptical, thinking something was wrong. We already ate a nectarine, and it was really good! I should’ve bought more. I’ll report later on the other stuff. We also bought snap peas and asparagus for $1.00/lb, plus chap chae, marinated chicken and marinated beef short ribs for $3.00/lb. We had the chap chae and chicken for dinner tonight and we were pleased. Forget Fresh & Easy…try Freshia! (We blended in so well with the Koreans that people tried to speak to us in Korean–haha).

It’s been HOT around here:
mommy & me

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